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Eco getaway to the Neusa reservoir: hut, hiking and reforestation.

5.00(0 reviews)Cogua

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Neusa Reservoir and experience a unique getaway. Stay in a charming cabin, explore ecological trails and join the noble work of reforestation.

roadtrip:info.availableIn English, Spanish

Resting, Ruralroadtrip:info.difficultyLevel Bajo departuresFrom Cogua 2 roadtrip:info.days

The construction of the Neusa reservoir began in 1949 and ended in 1952, under the administration of the Banco de la Republica, in charge of the North American firm Winston Brothers and Company. It constitutes one of the most important spaces for recreation, sports and outdoor recreation in terms of ecotourism near Bogota; the reservoir is also: water supply for the city of Bogota, Zipaquira and other municipalities, as well as the regulation of the flow of the Bogota River.

Being a place of natural conservation, it is a virgin jewel of flora and fauna diversity, with native species such as: Hesperomeles gouditiana (mortiño), Macleania rupestris (uva camarona), Weinmannia sp. (encenillo), Chusquea scandens (Chusque), Oreopanax sp. (bear's paw), diplostephium rosmarinifilolius, (paramo rosemary), Miconia sp (tuno), Boconia frutescens (trompeto), centronia brachycera (tuno roso), Piper bogotense (Cordoncillo), Xylosma spiculifera (corono), Almus acuminata (alder), baccharis sp. (chilco), Vallea stipularis (Raque), Puya sp. (puya), individuals of the Bromeliaceae family, among others.


In this enriching 2-day experience at the Neusa Reservoir, you will take a well-deserved break from routine. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by the ecological lodge and have time to settle in. On the second day, after breakfast with local products, you will embark on an exciting hike through the ecological trails and participate in a moving reforestation activity, where you will contribute by planting native trees.


Neusa Reservoir:

The Neusa Reservoir is a quiet natural paradise located in Colombia. Surrounded by lush vegetation and crystal clear waters, this reservoir offers a serene environment to enjoy scenic beauty, outdoor activities and moments of relaxation surrounded by nature.


🛏️ 1 night of accommodation according to choice.
🧾Activities: Trail tour, visit to the mini-farm and tree planting.
🚗Parking lot.
🏥 Medical assistance.



💦 Wear comfortable and warm clothing, such as hat, gloves and waterproof jacket.

🥾 Use shoes that can get wet, boots or shoes with a good grip sole and that protect the ankle is ideal. Avoid wearing converse-type sneakers or ballet flats. Do not wear new shoes on these outings.

🧢 Wear a hat or cap and sunscreen.

💊 Take your medications and personal documents (medical insurance card and ID).

🎒 Use an ergonomic backpack with two straps to carry on your back.


- Keep in mind that you are responsible for your belongings. Protect your electronic devices and personal documents from rain and humidity.

- Carry your cell phone charged, this will allow you to take pictures and use it in case of emergency.

- Do not carry cigarettes or alcoholic beverages.

- Strictly follow your doctor's instructions regarding injuries and if necessary, take your personal medications.



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