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Muisca Trail: Hiking the biggest paramo in the world!

4.84(268 reviews)Bogotá, D.C.

We will visit the biggest paramo in the world, in an exquisite natural setting.

roadtrip:info.availableIn Spanish

Agrotourism, Cultural, Ecotourismroadtrip:info.difficultyLevel Medio departuresFrom Bogotá, D.C. 9 roadtrip:info.hours

 It’s easier than you think to go for a hike in one of the most important reserves of fresh water anywhere in the world, today it`s possible to have this incredible experience, because hiking in this environment is a huge privilege as this area was impossible to access as recently as only a few years ago because of the internal conflicts plaguing Colombia for so many years.

Leaving the capital of Bogota we will experience sights and sounds of the rural way of life of the people who live in such proximity to such a large city, a stunning contrast achieved in a short space of time. We will walk along a 14km route and reach 3800 metres above sea level to delight in the largest paramo in the world. On this route we will have the opportunity to enjoy the most emblematic and idiosyncratic features of the paramos, its rocky formations, unique vegetation in the form of the frailejones and the high altitude lakes where the bespectacled bears live in splendid isolation. This trip will help you discover a landscape unique within Colombia.

🌱 Get to know the rural area of ​​Bogotá.

🌱Walk on a trail that surrounds the largest wasteland in the world.

🌱 Admire the beauty of the frailejones that take care of the moor.

🌱 Surround yourself with the beautiful nature that you will find in this ecosystem.

🌱 Visit the peasant towns surrounding the largest moor in the world and support their endeavors

🌱 Learn from Muisca ancestral and territorial knowledge

🌱 Get out of the routine and connect with the nature that surrounds the big city.


Very few people mention the south side of Bogota to visitors and foreigners, thousands of Colombians migrated to these areas of the city because of the armed conflicts within Colombia and currently 30% of the city’s population live there. We will quickly leave behind the chaos of the urban landscape to plunge into an agricultural landscape of potato, peas, strawberries and dairy cattle grazing amongst other less well-known products. Leaving this hinterland, we hike 14km from an initial altitude of 3,372 metres above sea level to 3,800, at which point we reach a magical place, a paradise which guards the secrets of the Laguna de Ubchiqua, an indigenous name of the Muisca people meaning `the place to go to listen to the advice of the Grandmother-Mountains´, and at this point we will make our acquaintance with the largest paramo in the world,

Given that the National Natural Park is a highly-sensitive landscape and a territory strictly monitored and adhering to environmental conservation controls, it’s imperative to stay on the paths indicated by our highly experienced and certified local guides who have prepared a route which keeps us out of restricted areas whilst enjoying the best of the location.

Distance: 14km

Level of Difficulty: Medium

Time to complete the route: approximately 5 to 6 hours.

Climate: Cold

Altitude: 3,350 - 3,850 metres above sea level


Páramo Ubquiqua

Una de las funciones principales de los ecosistemas que protege el Parque es la regulación hídrica de las cuencas altas de los ríos Tunjuelo, Sumapaz, Blanco, Ariari, Guape, Duda y Cabrera como oferentes de servicios ecosistémicos para el Distrito Capital y los departamentos del Meta, Huila y Cundinamarca.

Laguna de Ubchiqua

Recorreremos la zona agropecuaria los primeros 2 kilometros y luego zona de Subpáramo y Páramo para llegar a laguna de Ubchiqua que significa donde se escucha para encontrar el consejo de las abuelas montañas.

Ciudad Bolivar

Es una de las zonas más pobladas en Bogotá a la que ha llegado gente de diferentes rincones de Colombia, que en gran parte han sido víctimas del conflicto armado. Esta llena de color y cultura traída de diferentes zonas del país.

Embalse La Regadera

Este embalse se alimenta de las aguas provenientes de los ríos Chisacá, Lechoso y Curubital, y la parte alta del río Tunjuelo. Abastece de agua gran parte del sector sur oriental de la capital. Allí encontramos un lugar muy tranquilo en el que el agua predomina sobre el paisaje.

Corregimiento Pasquilla

Conformado por cinco veredas, es un lugar donde los campesinos cultivan sus productos dadas las condiciones de su suelo fértil, durante años, sus pobladores han luchado para mantener su territorio a pesar de las intervenciones urbanas al sector. Este es un lugar que posee ricas fuentes hídricas como quebradas, embalses y lagunas.


Private transport to and from Bogota
Guidance and Interpretation of the landscape provided by experienced, certified guides
Picnic lunch (vegetarian sandwich, a mix of dried fruits and nuts, fruit juice).
A unique natural landscape tailor-made to recharge anyone with energy
Medical insurance coverage in case of accident or injury
You can request English-speaking assistance at an additional cost via WhatsApp before making your reservation


This hike does not require experience but please bear in mind the altitude involved and what this implies. We will hike up to a maximum altitude of 3,850 meters above sea level.
Minimum age for this route is 10 years old
Pets are not allowed on this route because of its location in an environmentally-sensitive and protected territory.
This experience is not recommended for individuals with heart conditions.
La totalidad del viaje debe ser pagado por la pagina web 3 días antes de la salida


😷 Take your Personal Protection Essentials kit with you (face mask, anti-bacterial gel or spray-alcohol, disposal tissues and a bag to dispose of personal waste).

💦 This route traverses a paramo, which implies dampness and rain. Please do not forget a waterproof jacket, cold-weather clothing and a change of clothing for the journey back to Bogota. Do not wear jeans or cotton clothing, and preferably do wear clothing which dries quickly and well.

🥾 We will follow a route which goes over both rocky and damp terrain. Use footwear which can protect you from the wet, boots or shoes with a good gripping sole and which protect your ankles are ideal. Avoid using trainers or slip on shoes and do not walk this route in footwear which you are wearing for the first time.

🧢 Bring a hat or baseball hat as well as sunblock.

💊 Bring your medicines and identity document (your medical insurance paperwork and identity card) 🎒 Use a well-made rucksack to bring your equipment with you, with two-shoulder straps for best ergonomic performance.


How can you tell if this is the right plan for you?

This is a route which presents some physical challenges, if you do regular physical exercise, this route is for you. This route is classified a level 3.5 (Medium), and is 14km walked in approximately 6 hours. The weather is quite variable and it can be very windy, which is why cold-weather clothing, a water-proof jacket and footwear with a good grip are essential.

What food to expect

For those people who have not yet had breakfast, there is a brief stop to buy food before the walk starts although we recommend eating a good breakfast before the hike begins or alternatively we recommend that you bring food to consume on the trail. It’s a demanding route, your body could conceivably demand more energy from you, so bring snacks such as fruit, dried fruits and nuts, cereal bars or the wonderful Colombian invention known as bocadillos which are small squares of fruit jelly made of guayaba, utterly delicious, calorific and nutritious. Please also do not forget to include at least one litre of water for your hydration on the route.

Relevant Information

Please be aware that RoadTripColombia takes no responsibility for your personal belongings. Protect your electronic devices and personal documents from the rain and damp.

Ensure your mobile phone is charged, for taking photos and for use in an emergency.

Your safety is terribly important to us, so please be careful, do not allow yourself to lag behind too far and lose sight of the group and always follow the guides instructions.

Do not bring cigarettes or alcoholic drinks. Do not come on this hike if you have stayed up all night the night before, or if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if you are pregnant or have any medical incapacity.

Finally, follow your doctor`s instructions carefully with regard to any injuries you may have before participating in this hike, and if necessary, bring your personal medications with you.


4.84(268 reviews)

Avatar Ingrid


Avatar Johanna

Excelente servicio....todo super puntual..los guías locales lo mejor te llevan a entender el entorno en el que está y vivir una experiencia con la nat...

Avatar Maria

Pueden disminuir el numero de paradas y en hora de almuerzo hacer un circulo para compartir experiencias y la guianza turistica...

Avatar Catalina

Guille y Morris son unos guías excepcionales. Su conocimiento tan amplio, experiencia y buena energía hicieron de esta experiencia algo inolvidable. T...

Avatar Diana

Todo muy bien....

Avatar Adelaida

Execelente todo, la relación calidad precio insuperable...


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