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Bird Watching Tour for Amateurs

4.69(13 reviews)Bogotá, D.C.

We will visit the "land of abundance" on a tour with more than 40 species of birds identified.

roadtrip:info.availableIn Spanish

Birdwatchingroadtrip:info.difficultyLevel Bajo departuresFrom Bogotá, D.C. 3 roadtrip:info.hours

No one knows the sounds and movements of nature as well as a bird watcher. Through training their senses, the bird watcher develops visual and acoustic skills. They will learn clues for bird identification and field guide management. You will be able to observe the silhouettes, shapes, sizes, plumage, behavior, habitat and voice.

We will take the tour between La Conejera Wetland in Bogotá. On this tour there are more than 129 species of birds identified, among which you will be able to see the spectacled parrot, tingua bogotana (endemic bird), little nuns, swallows, curlews, owls, hawks. And migratory birds such as plovers, swallows and different species of ducks.

We will also have time to make an environmental and cultural interpretation of the territory and learn more about the importance of wetlands in Bogotá.


We will take a tour of the Jaboque Wetland, ideal for photography and bird watching. The activity will be guided by Jhon Jiménez, professional birdwatching guide.

Wetland in Bogotá has a high presence of birds. A total of 129 species have been identified, of which 10 are migratory between the months of September and April.

We will learn to use the field guide and make a list of the route with the ebird app.


Jaboque Wetland

An approximate area of 150 hectares. Due to its archaeological importance; It was designated as an AICA territory (Important Bird Conservation Area); It is also a living scenario for learning about the processes that affect an ecosystem immersed in the city, where the structure and ecological dynamics have been modified in favor of growth and demographic expansion.


Guide specialized in bird watching.
Time to discover the wonderful world of bird watching.




Binoculars are a basic element for practicing bird watching (We have some that we can lend, please write to us to separate them). The most suitable for this activity are: 7x35 - 8x42 - 10x42

Comfortable shoes and clothing for walking.

Waterproof jacket, poncho or plastic rain cape.

Photographic camera.

Sunscreen. Hat or cap.

Bottle with water.


Practical tips will be useful when observing birds. The color of your clothing should not be bright colors (such as orange or red), on the contrary it should be dark so that it can blend in with the environment.

Wake up early, the best times for bird watching are between 5:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. and the end of the afternoon, between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Binoculars and bird guide, although the basic equipment for observing birds is the eyes and ears, good binoculars and a pocket guide to birds of the region visited are required.

Walk slowly in silence and observe, bird watching is a task of patience and silence, in fact a bird can be identified by observation or by its song.


4.69(13 reviews)

Avatar Freddy

Le puse 5 porque la experiencia fue muy buena y el guía un crack. Pese a lo anterior tengo dos comentarios: 1) en la oferta se señala que el recorrid...

Avatar Karine

Un lugar interesante en Bogotá para discubrir variosos aves que viven aquí...

Avatar Corina

Muy bonita la experiencia, aprendí un montón. Ojalá RoadTrip siga organizando más actividades de avistamiento de aves :)...

Avatar Maria

Una salida muy enriquecedora. Vimos muchas especies de aves y nuestro guia siempre explicando lo que veíamos y dispuesto a responder cualquier pregunt...

Avatar Berta

Es una bonita experiencia sin salir de Bogotá, disfruté aprender algo nuevo. El único pero es que instalé una de las aplicaciones sugeridas para regi...

Avatar Luz

Es una linda experiencia para quienes les gusta el Avistamiento. El guia entrega todo el conocimiento y hace muy grata la salida...


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