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Las Caicas Expedition: Tisquizoque Windows in Florian

4.82(26 reviews)Bogotá, D.C. - Florián - Bogotá, D.C.

Let yourself be surprised by the caves, waterfalls and landscape of Florián, Santander

roadtrip:info.availableIn Spanish

Adventure, Ecotourismroadtrip:info.difficultyLevel Medio departuresFrom Bogotá, D.C. 2 roadtrip:info.days

In the mountain peaks of the Municipality of Florián, corridors of Andean forests are deployed, protecting the fauna of the lower forests, where a decrease in the population of displaced fauna has been caused, making these high areas in Florián strategic areas in terms of conservation. of the water resource due to its biodiversity in Andean flora and fauna.

We will have the opportunity to visit beautiful waterfalls and mysterious caves that keep the stories of Cacique Tisquizoque, the maximum leader of this province of the Muisca civilization, inhabitants before the Spanish colonization. We will enjoy unique landscapes, which makes this a must-see destination for lovers of travel, adventure, nature and hiking. We will visit:

🏞 The Windows of Tisquizoque

🏞 Blue Well

🏞 Chiconal Waterfall and Las Caicas Cave

🏞 Charco Paila


Day 1

We will leave Bogotá early to begin this extraordinary adventure in a territory that holds incredible natural wealth. We will travel by airvan to Chiquinquirá where we will change to 4x4 monteros to elevate our adventure. We will arrive at the Chicoral Waterfall where we will take a walk through a humid jungle. On the way we will visit the Las Caicas cave where we will have a fantastic experience listening to and seeing these beautiful parrots fly.

After this experience we will continue the road to reach the Municipality of Florián, stay at the hotel and rest.

Day 2

The second day of the adventure will take us to see the main attraction, the Windows of Tisquizoque. But first we will make a stop at a blue well where we will have an impressive view of three waterfalls that fall from the windows. We will feel its power and beauty. Then we will continue the path to the windows of Tisquizoque where to get there we will walk across two hanging bridges and enjoy this cave that will transport you to medieval times and you will enjoy a spectacular view of this beautiful region. We will return to the town to have lunch, pack our suitcases and head back to Bogotá.


Tisquizoque Windows

According to history, the insatiable search for gold by the Spanish colonizers pacified the harmony of the Tisquizoque indigenous people belonging to the Muisca civilization. In the year 1540, after tireless fighting, the brave Chief Tisquizoque preferred to jump into the void and die rather than be captured by the Spanish colonizers.

Municipality of Florian

Florián, Santander is the perfect destination if you are a lover of adventure, nature and enjoy hiking. Located in the upper part of the Andean jungles, it is a refuge for flora and fauna that has strategically become a refuge for species that have been displaced by livestock farming and indiscriminate hunting in the lower areas of the mountain.

Chiconal Waterfall

The stretch to the waterfall is adorned by beautiful and delicate waterfalls between the mountain and just before arriving there is the Las Caicas cave, a refuge for these beautiful parrots that with their sounds and unexpected flights will create a fantastic experience.


Private transportation to and from Bogotá by AeroVan
Transportation in 4x4 cars to Florián
Breakfasts 2, Lunches 2
1 Night Accommodation in Florian
Visit, entrance and guidance to attractions on the itinerary
Group coordinator
Medical assistance insurance


Make use of PPE Personal Protection Elements during the trip, follow the recommendations of the trip coordinators and guides.
Carry out a screening survey and report if you present any of the symptoms related to Covid-19
The distance of the routes is short but with steep climbs. No experience is necessary but good physical condition is required.
The minimum age for this trip is 12 years old.


😷 Carry a PPE Personal Protection Elements Kit (Masks, antibacterial gel, alcohol in a spray bottle, bag for personal waste disposal).

💧Carry a bottle of water and maintain constant hydration,

🧢 Wear a hat or cap to protect yourself from the sun. It is important to use sunscreen, remember to use a mineral sunscreen for your face.

👕 Pack light clothes, for temperate weather and that can get wet, enough for two days. We suggest long pants and a long-sleeved shirt since during the walks we will encounter trees with long branches and this will help us avoid scratches. It is also important to carry a raincoat in case of rain.

🥾 Wear comfortable shoes, preferably tennis shoes that can get wet, in any case avoid ballet shoes. It is important to bring two pairs of shoes in case your shoes get wet during the tour.

🩱 Pack your bathing suit and a towel for personal use.

💊 Bring your medications and personal documents (medical insurance card and ID)

🎒 Do not use a wheeled suitcase and carry an additional kangaroo or small backpack so you can take your personal items on walks.

🧣 We suggest bringing a blanket for the cold in the early morning when leaving Bogotá, as well as a light sleeping bag for the night in Florián.


Relevant information:

  • Keep in mind that you are responsible for your belongings. Protect your electronic devices and personal documents from rain and humidity.
  • Carry your cell phone charged, this will allow you to take photographs and use it in case of emergency.
  • Your safety is very important, please be cautious, always keep the group in sight and follow the instructions of the guide or trip coordinator.
  • Do not attend a walk late at night, while intoxicated, pregnant, or with medical disabilities.
  • Strictly follow your doctor's instructions regarding injuries and, if necessary, carry your personal medications.


4.82(26 reviews)

Avatar José

un lugar majestoso, todo el equipo de guías brindó una excelente experiencia, especialmente Vicente como guía local....

Avatar Carolina

Es un lindo municipio, con grandes paisajes. La caminata es un poco exigente por sus empinadas, pero los guías son muy atentos y prestan una gran ayud...

Avatar Laura

Como siempre todo muy organizado. Muy cumplidos en horarios. Muy buena la comida. Sin embargo considero deben tener en cuenta los meses en los que es ...

Avatar Cindy

Buenas Tardes! Es la primera vez que viajo con ustedes, añoraba mucho con conocer este destino, me gusto mucho el tema de la puntualidad y de la buena...

Avatar Hugo

Recomendados para futuras salidas, lo único malo era que las Ventanas estaban muy secas, tal vez tenerlo en cuenta porque la gente quisiera verlas así...

Avatar Mariana

Es un lugar increíble y hermoso que vale la pena visitar. Me encanto....


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